Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Photo Confessions

So many times I've been told I have a green thumb. The compliment feels good until I look at the many plants I have that aren't doing so well. In fact, I've recently felt the need to post some of my failures, just because I feel my talents have been greatly exaggerated by my often too forgiving sisters. So here is the sad, ugly truth for all to see. Please, don't judge me too harshy...


  1. Your thumb is still greener than mine. Plants are just not my strong suit. I love pretty flowers and beautiful plants but to be honest I really don't have a desire to mess with trying to grow them. You always have some beautiful plants.

  2. Growing plants is HARD work. among the beauty you see some thorns... give it to God and make the chance to create beauty

  3. HAhahahahahah...We all have these glitches and some things just refuse to grow! It used to stress me when my plants would die but it happens..enjoy what does grow and file away the others as a learning experience. You do have a green thumb. I love your plants but we know a little secret don't can be real time consuming hard work to take care of plants..very few are trouble free.

  4. I haven't even cleaned the leaves out of my planting beds. I just don't seem to have the energy I had last year.
