Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Funny Cat Pic

I had just emptied out this knitting bag, and was ready to put another project inside, when Morty decided he wanted it. He doesn't fit, and he's too heavy. I could just see it breaking under his weight. I knew I had to make him get out, but that wasn't going to happen until I got some pictures. I picked out the best one to share. Why do they love boxes and bags so much? They don't even accept that they might not fit.


  1. that is too cute. It makes me think about when he was little and was trying to get in my turned over purse. He didn't fit in it eaither... :)

  2. That is cute. Just like a cat. Jordan does that, too. He loves boxes and containers and he doesn't seem to care if he fits. He just climbs right in.
