Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peace And Quiet

Today started out just like any other day. Dave got off work at noon, then we ate lunch before going to visit Max. When we got home, Dave helped me move a piece of furniture, then changed a light bulb. As I was tidying up in the new craft room, Dave called to me that he'd be out on the back porch if I needed him. I didn't blame him at all. Not being too warm, nor too cool, today was the perfect day for that. In fact, I decided that when I finished putting the books back on the shelf, and feeding the cats, I'd join him out there. When I got to the back door, I was stopped in my tracks. There sat my husband with a book in his hands, and Merlin (his special cat) at his feet. Add the beauty of bird songs in the background, and the greening of the leaves outside, and I believe I've seen the very definition of peace and contentment.
Thank you, God, for moments like this.


  1. Good picture. He does look peaceful. I love your porch. I think my boys would have a good time on a porch like that. Fresh air and room to move around.

  2. Beauty ....and Peace...make the best company

    God is good

  3. I realize more and more the benefits of calm and peace. I love screened porches.

  4. Before, the only time he had to read was on Saturday mornings. It has just been so great having him home in the afternoons. It's worth giving up a few things.

  5. amen

    I wish I could make Wesley realize how much I enjoy him being alive. He only wants to work
