Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gonna Be Busy...

I'm thrilled to announce that our room is finished. Well, I guess it's not really finished, but the contractor is finished with his part. I, on the other hand, am just beginning. They ran the shop vac over everything and put the furniture back into the room for us. They suggested that I not put anything on or against the wall for a few days, even if the paint feels dry. Apparantly it needs time to cure, or it could stick to the back of anything that comes in contact with it. Wow, I never knew that about paint. After they left, I took everything back into the room so I could clean the living room (I can't get over how big my house feels to me now. lol). I've been thinking about a few changes to make the room feel more like a craft room, and less like a storage room.
First of all, I have a captains bed, twin sized, with four drawers and a small door. I've cleaned out three of the drawers, and put my picture albums in the door part. Dave will have to clean the forth drawer, because it contains mostly his stuff. Behind the drawers is quite a bit of space, which I'm going to use. There are many things I don't want to get rid of, but don't really use anymore. I'm going to put these items in storeage bins and place them in that space under the bed. The yarn bins will go back in the closet, of course, but I'm going to try to make a curtain to make up for the missing door. If I can't make one, surely I can find an inexpensive one at Tuesday Morning or Big Lots, that isn't too offensive a color. We were going to get rid of our CD/VHS cabinets, and replace them with a beautiful side board we saw in one of our antique shops downtown. Since we can no longer afford that piece, we've decided to keep the pieces we have. It's fine, because the CD cabinets don't look as ugly with the new color of paint (oh, my I just love this paint) as they did with the old one.
Actually, there's story behind the old paint. Before Dave married me, he had painted the walls of this house a deep burgandy color. It was a beautiful color, but after a few years, the dark color made me feel like I was living in a cave. In an effort to brighten up my house (and my mood), I picked pastel colors: a cheery yellow for the living room, bath, and kitchen; a sagey green for our bedroom and the TV room (actually it's supposed to be a dining room, but we don't need one of those); and a pastel purple for the extra bedroom, the utility room, and the hall. I loved the pastel purple, but I haven't bought new pictures in forever. My old pictures originally hung in my blue and pink bedroom of my teen years, and they sort of disappeared into the light purple. When we decided to repaint this room, I stayed with purple, but chose a mistier color, with some gray undertones. I just love it. In fact, it is the reason I've included pictures with this post. I don't normally like to show my house in disarray, but I wanted my readers to see the new color, before it's hidded behind pictures and decorations.
Well, I guess I should get off the computer, and get to work. I still have lots of boxes to go through.


  1. I am so excited for you.
    If you need help running the carpet cleaner, let us know.

    Be blessed

    FYI>>>>>>>>>>love the new purple

  2. Oh, we've decided not to shampoo the carpet. They put down some kind of sticky plastic carpet protector, and when they pulled it up, it fluffed the carpet. After a good vacuume, it looked great. Dave and I will get your shampooer back to you Sunday.

  3. wow, what a lucky break for you. Beauty without the labor...

  4. Looks great. When you are through I hope to get over and view it in person. I miss our visits. I need to run by sometimes and stay for an hour. I miss going through your magazines and seeing all your projects in person.
    God bless you. Pray God's perfect will come for y'all.
