Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Little Stash Busting

Not really in a mood to clean, I got out my spring shawl, and sat down to knit. I've almost finished with the knitting part, and could easily have it blocked, fringed and ready to wear in time for this weekend's predicted cool snap. There's just one problem. Me. I seem to be perfectly able to get a project started, but quickly lose interest before the work is complete. I call it knitting ADD. What is my solution to the problem? Crochet for a while.
When Charlie called us to say they were ready to start on our room, Dave and I got busy. We took the pictures off the wall, moved the hanging plants to the covered porch, and emptied the room. Of course, the contents of that room ended up in my living room, and among the disorder, sits my storage bins that contain my yarn stash. What a perfect opportunity to look through those bins and rediscover the treasures I have. My 20 balls of Rowen Plaid, for example...
this blend of merino wool, acrylic, and a touch of alpaca caught my eye during one of our many Plano trips. The Woolie Ewe had decided to no longer carry Rowen yarns, and were having a clearance sale to make room for new items. I purchased this yarn at 75% off the regular price. That is huge, folks. I bought all they had of this color. I wanted to make sure I had plenty on hand for any project I chose. Sadly, the poor yarn has been sitting, neglected, in my stash closet for years. I just couldn't seem to decide what to do with it...until now.
I don't know if the photo is clear enough for you to tell, but the colors of this yarn are pale blue, pale brown, and tan. This is the perfect color combination for a seashell patterned afghan. I looked though all my crochet afghan books until I found what I was looking for. The pattern is called Ocean Breeze, and can be found in a Leisure Arts booklet called Afghans On The Double. I'm still going to try to finish my shawl, but this is an nice change of pace for today.

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