Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, March 6, 2011


We have had a big change in our lives last week. The TV station, due to the bad economy and lack of sales, had to let Dave go. This means we will have to tighten our budget, and cut out some of the extras we've allowed ourselves. XM will be one of the things to go, as well as my diet cokes. When our sprint account is up in May, we'll be dropping my cell phone (good thing we hadn't ordered those smart phones yet). Dave will be driving my car, as it gets better gas mileage than his truck. I know on the surface, all this sounds hard, but it has turned out to be a blessing.
Working both of his jobs had begun to take its toll on Dave. He's been exhausted, pressed for time, and more stressed than I had ever seen him. Last week, it was like I got my Dave back. He finishes at the radio station around the noon hour, and now is off for the day. This has allowed us to spend some time together. He has helped me clean the ceiling fans, and took down the curtains so I could wash them. We're able to do a little each day, and not work ourselves to pieces on Saturdays, which makes working in the house a pleasure instead of a chore. He'll be able to enjoy cooking out on the grill the way he used to. I know it makes no sense at all, but I'm encouraged. I don't kid myself. It's going to be a challange, but if I can just learn to budget our money, I think we'll be fine. Not having Dave tired all the time will be worth giving up my diet cokes and cell phone. :)


  1. Glad you are feeling good about things. god is able to help things work out. Sometimes hard things do turn into real blessings. God will meet the needs and as you said the rest is expendable. I'm so g;ad Dave is feeling rested, too.
    God bless you in your endeavers and lead y'all down the right paths. I pray Dave finds great favor with the radio station.
    Love you.

  2. I hear you are encouraged. You can live on a close budget..everyone these days are and you already know that lots of fun things are free.

  3. Amen..God will supply.

    I have been concerned for Dave lately, I am glad he has a little time for the things he enjoys.......BE BLESSED

  4. I keep reminding myself about the time I lived alone on 3rd street. I made very little money, and had to budget out every dime carefully to pay my bills. If I could do it then, surely I can do it now. I actually have an advantaged now, because Dave will help me.

  5. amen. Jennifer. It is always nice to have some one to help...
