Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Loves My Sister...

I was just sitting here at the computer, looking for new knitting patterns, when I hear a knock on my door. To my delight, it's my sister, Norma (I'm always so glad to see Norma). She says she can't stay long, but she and Wesley had just eaten dinner at Dairy Queen, and she just wanted to bring me a diet coke. Thank you so much. I was having a pretty bad day, but seeing my sis just brightened me up. :)

Max Pictures

As you all know, I like to go to the apartment building at least once a day to visit Max. I pack him a container of dry food, a can of fancy feast, and a book or crochet for me. Dave has been driving me over. He's found himself a shady spot, and when the breeze is blowing, it's the perfect place for reading or napping. I set my cell phone's alarm clock so I don't have to keep checking the time, then I just sit with Max. He comes running over to me from a fenced yard across the street, where he's found a bed of ornamental grass to nap in. He gets on my lap, all purrs and snuggles, and I just pet him until time to leave. According to Sis JoAnne, he's the neighborhood cat. I'm glad he's loved, but I sure miss him. I'm still praying that someday I can bring him back home. The only reason I haven't already is because I'm afraid my outdoor cats might chase him away. I'd never forgive myself if I lost him forever, just because I couldn't leave him where he is, and be content with my daily visits. I honestly wish I could turn back time and never give him up. At the time, I thought it was God's direction, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Supporting My Habit

When Dave first told me he no longer had his second job, and we were going to have to budget our money more carefully, I whole heartedley agreed with him. I still do, even when it's hard. As most of you know, I have a very serious Diet Coke habit. I honestly don't know how many I drink per day, but I know I'm never without one. I had quit twice. The first time, I was trying to lose weight and live a healthier life, and the second time I quit them, because I began to feel guilty for starting them back. Both times, I actually stayed soda-pop free for years before starting them back. Of course when I did start drinking them, all the guilt returned. Finally, one day, while in the middle of degrading myself, I thought, "what's wrong with me? It's diet coke, not a drug habit. Why torture myself with guilt?" After that day, I finally decided to just accept that I'm a diet coke drinker, and it's no big deal (nor is it the health and diet industy's business). For the first time in my life, I could fully enjoy a diet coke with no guilt. Well, after Dave and I sat down to figure out what we were our money on, and how we can tighten our budget, we found out something alarming. Since I started back drinking sodas, we've been spending over $100 a month on diet coke. That's not even counting the happy hour drinks I get every day ($30 per month). I guess I should have been feeling guiltier. I know after seeing the numbers, I should be shamed into not wanting them anymore, but people, this is hard. In fact, I haven't fully given them up yet. Twice a week, Dave gets paid from the radio station. He takes out an allowance for him, and one for me, and the rest goes into the household money for bills, food, and such. Last month, I bought my cokes with my own money. I even bought some 2 liter bottles to see if I could afford it that way. I have cut back some, but I guess not enough, because I simply don't have enough money to support my habit, and I don't want it coming out of the household money. It looks like if I want to have any spending money at all, I'm going to have to give up my diet cokes again, because I seem to be incapable of cutting back on the amount I drink. Friday, I get another allowance, and I probably will buy some cokes. I know I'm going to have to quit, but I just am not ready yet.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Photo Confessions

So many times I've been told I have a green thumb. The compliment feels good until I look at the many plants I have that aren't doing so well. In fact, I've recently felt the need to post some of my failures, just because I feel my talents have been greatly exaggerated by my often too forgiving sisters. So here is the sad, ugly truth for all to see. Please, don't judge me too harshy...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Original With Tweaks

I have been sitting here for hours, trying to change the look of my blog. After a while, the colors run together, and you no longer know which ones compliment eachother. Finally, I decided it was time to go back to the original template. I did add a couple of minor changes-the font and text size, and the background color is not as stark as the white, but for the most part, this is how I looked when I started. I'm going to enjoy the simplicity, as well as the memories.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tomato Planting

Dave and I have been closely watching our budget, but it's just hard for us to let a year go by without fresh tomatoes. Especially this year, because we didn't get a good yield last year. Normally we plant our tomatoes in empty cat litter buckets, but last year, we'd decided to try a Topsy Turvy. I didn't work. I got two tomatoes at the beginning, then no more for the rest of the season. I don't think the Topsy Turvy is to blame. I personally believe that after the pecan tree in the back yard leafed out, it was too shady for the plants. Thier growth was stunted, and they eventually died. This year, we're going back to the litter buckets. They're not very attractive, but they've worked well for us in the past.
Since we're now on a tight budget, my plant shopping behavior has changed somewhat. I have to look for smaller plants, and I get much more irritated if something isn't priced. For tomatoes, we like to buy either Early Girl or Bush Goliath. They are larger than cherry tomatoes, and still suitable for containers. We found these at Home Depot for $1.98 each. Normally we'd have grabbed two plants, and a bell pepper plant (also suitable for containers) for our veggie growing, but we kept looking. It's a good thing, because we found four-packs of Early Girl tomatoes, priced at only $1.68. I know they're smaller plants, but four for less than the cost of one? Yes, this was the way to go. We didn't get bell peppers this year. Four is way too many for us, and they never do that well for me anyway. We picked up a bag of regular potting mix instead of moisture control, which is fine. I honestly can't tell that much difference anyway.
So yesterday, after Church, Dave got four litter buckets out of the shed, and drilled holes in them. I spent the day planting tomatoes, and repotting some of my coral bells. This I had to do, because I buy cheap pots, and after being exposed to the elements over a period of time, some had cracked. Dave weed-eated (is that a word?) around the rocks in the walkway, and shop vacced (another non-word) the screened porch. We're both very proud of what we got accomplished. Especially on a weekend where we didn't have much time to work.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awakening Hostas

Not much to write today, but I though I'd drop in and post my first garden pictures of the year. I took all these picures of my hostas yesterday, while walking around my yard. Hope you enjoy...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peace And Quiet

Today started out just like any other day. Dave got off work at noon, then we ate lunch before going to visit Max. When we got home, Dave helped me move a piece of furniture, then changed a light bulb. As I was tidying up in the new craft room, Dave called to me that he'd be out on the back porch if I needed him. I didn't blame him at all. Not being too warm, nor too cool, today was the perfect day for that. In fact, I decided that when I finished putting the books back on the shelf, and feeding the cats, I'd join him out there. When I got to the back door, I was stopped in my tracks. There sat my husband with a book in his hands, and Merlin (his special cat) at his feet. Add the beauty of bird songs in the background, and the greening of the leaves outside, and I believe I've seen the very definition of peace and contentment.
Thank you, God, for moments like this.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Striped Scarf Progress

Last night, I was in a knitting mood, so I got out my Noro Striped scarf. I hadn't worked on it for a month, because, once again, I wasn't sure I liked it. I had feared I'd have to unravel, like I did last time, and assume (after a second failed attempt) That I just wasn't meant to knit one. Then Ravelry saved the day. I found a thread dedicated to the Noro Striped scarf, where Ravelers have shared advice, and photos of their own Noro Scarves. I don't remember who wrote it, but one conversation really stood out to me. A woman was speaking of the hard time she was having finding colors to put together (wow, that sounds familiar). While some sections looked great, there were where she wasn't happy with the colors (also familiar). In answer to her dilemma, a fellow group member told her to just continue knitting. Sometimes sections that may look odd on thier own, turn out to be a beautiful part of the whole (not her exact words, but the idea is the same). I took this piece of advice, and made myself continue on my scarf, and I'm glad I did. It's just like she said. I may not love that girly pink section, but it does have it's place. I have decided that no matter what happens, or what I see, I'm not unraveling this scarf. Each color section will work together in the end.

The Night Owl Returns

This is very frustrating. For eight days, I was required to get up each morning, which made it possible for me to be sleepy at night. I was so proud of all I was getting done in the mornings, that I had purposed to continue this routine, even after the work was complete. I was able to continue this until a couple of days ago, when I got sick. As is usual when I'm sick, depression set in, making it hard for me to want to face the day. I even (temporarily) lost interest in my finishing my new craft room.
Fortunately, I have a husband who is patient with me, and is helpful in pulling me out of these funks. By Saturday, my cold had moved down into my chest. That's ok. It's not too bad, and I can handle this a lot better than the pain of a sore throat, and that feeling of downing when I lay down. I had even regained a little of my lost energy. We moved the houseplants outside to the porch, and I gave them a good water. Dave fried chicken, and we ate together on the back porch. Sunday, after church, lunch, and my daily Max visit, we got the furniture moved and the pictures hung in the new craft room.
I finally feel human again, but unfortunately, springing forward has messed with my sleep habits. You wouldn't think one hour would make much difference, but for me it does. It's just that easy for me to slip back into sleepless nights, which of course, will lead to late mornings. I don't know why it even bothers me. I can still get the same amount done, just overnight instead of in the mornings. Maybe I should just accept that I'm a night person, and stop trying so hard to change who I am? I don't know. I'm still going to try making myself get up around 9:30-10, but I don't have much faith in that happening.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Funny Cat Pic

I had just emptied out this knitting bag, and was ready to put another project inside, when Morty decided he wanted it. He doesn't fit, and he's too heavy. I could just see it breaking under his weight. I knew I had to make him get out, but that wasn't going to happen until I got some pictures. I picked out the best one to share. Why do they love boxes and bags so much? They don't even accept that they might not fit.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Shawl Finished

Yes, the title says it all. I've finally finished my Springtime shawl, and I love it. The knitting and blocking has been done for several days, but I was dragging my feet with the fringe. I honestly don't know why I always put off adding fringe. I guess it doesn't help that I'm out numbered by curious little kitty cat noses, but it's not fair for me to blame the cats. The truth is I simply don't enjoy adding fringe. I had toyed with the idea of omitting it completely, but I'm so glad I didn't. It's not hard to do, and it added such a nice softness to the edges of this shawl. Overall, this was a joy to knit, and hopefully I have a few mornings and evenings left before it gets too warm to wear it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeling Blue

I slept late today, and I'm kinda mad at myself about it. During the craft room redo, I had to get up early for eight days to let the workers in. Because of this, I was tired enough to actually sleep at night. Since the completion of the room, I was using these morning hours to clean and organize my house. I was hoping to continue this, and was doing pretty well, until today. My throat tickle of a few days ago is now a full blown cold. When my alarm rang at 9am (my new waking up time), I just turned it off and went back to sleep. I figured, what's the point? I'm alone in the house until noon, and I don't feel like doing anything, anyway. At the time it made sense, but now, I'm really wishing I'd have gotten up. I've always been a night person, and it's just too easy for me to fall back into those habits.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well, I seem to be at a stand still with my housework. I still have furniture to move in the craft room, curtains in the kitchen to clean, and the screened porch still needs to be cleaned out, but it's all going to have to wait. I'm sick. I noticed a scratchy throat two days ago, which has progressed into a cold. Bummer. I've slept until past ten for the last couple of days, and I don't feel like doing anything. I guess I'm lucky I don't work outside the home, because then I wouldn't have the luxury of just resting.
Well, normally, when I'm sick, it's worse in the mornings, so maybe I can get going later. We'll see...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Poor Little Angry Girl...

My cats love to "help" me when I clean. Today, I worked a little in the craft room. I took the plywood off the bed frame, so I could store some things in the bin underneath. Of course, Abby had to check it all out. The whole time I was back there, she was traipsing back and forth, in and out of that little area. When I finished, I replaced the plywood, not thinking about her still being back there. I'm used to the cats going behind there all the time. What I didn't know, is that when the workers replaced the furniture, they put it closer to the wall that I'd had it. Poor Abby couldn't get out. I pulled the bed out enough for her to escape, and after a period of pouting, she has finally forgiven me. Gotta love cats...

The Feeling Of Clean

The redo of my craft room has prompted me into cleaning mode. Of course if we'd known our income was about to decrease, we'd have just had the ceiling fixed, but we didn't. No use fretting over something that is already done, especially when it's been so good for me. For eight days, I had to get up before 8am every morning to let the workers in. This has gotten me in the habit of sleeping at night. Of course, I don't set my clock for 7:3o in the morning anymore, but I have been setting it for 9, giving me more time and energy to clean my house. Having Dave home has helped even more. He's tall enough to reach things that have collected dust, because I can't reach them. Last week, he took all the globes out of the ceiling fans, so I could wash them while he dusted the blades. He also took down our bedroom curtains, so I could wash and Iron them. I'm just amazed at the difference just getting those two things done has made. Now, my house not only looks clean, it feels clean.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


We have had a big change in our lives last week. The TV station, due to the bad economy and lack of sales, had to let Dave go. This means we will have to tighten our budget, and cut out some of the extras we've allowed ourselves. XM will be one of the things to go, as well as my diet cokes. When our sprint account is up in May, we'll be dropping my cell phone (good thing we hadn't ordered those smart phones yet). Dave will be driving my car, as it gets better gas mileage than his truck. I know on the surface, all this sounds hard, but it has turned out to be a blessing.
Working both of his jobs had begun to take its toll on Dave. He's been exhausted, pressed for time, and more stressed than I had ever seen him. Last week, it was like I got my Dave back. He finishes at the radio station around the noon hour, and now is off for the day. This has allowed us to spend some time together. He has helped me clean the ceiling fans, and took down the curtains so I could wash them. We're able to do a little each day, and not work ourselves to pieces on Saturdays, which makes working in the house a pleasure instead of a chore. He'll be able to enjoy cooking out on the grill the way he used to. I know it makes no sense at all, but I'm encouraged. I don't kid myself. It's going to be a challange, but if I can just learn to budget our money, I think we'll be fine. Not having Dave tired all the time will be worth giving up my diet cokes and cell phone. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gonna Be Busy...

I'm thrilled to announce that our room is finished. Well, I guess it's not really finished, but the contractor is finished with his part. I, on the other hand, am just beginning. They ran the shop vac over everything and put the furniture back into the room for us. They suggested that I not put anything on or against the wall for a few days, even if the paint feels dry. Apparantly it needs time to cure, or it could stick to the back of anything that comes in contact with it. Wow, I never knew that about paint. After they left, I took everything back into the room so I could clean the living room (I can't get over how big my house feels to me now. lol). I've been thinking about a few changes to make the room feel more like a craft room, and less like a storage room.
First of all, I have a captains bed, twin sized, with four drawers and a small door. I've cleaned out three of the drawers, and put my picture albums in the door part. Dave will have to clean the forth drawer, because it contains mostly his stuff. Behind the drawers is quite a bit of space, which I'm going to use. There are many things I don't want to get rid of, but don't really use anymore. I'm going to put these items in storeage bins and place them in that space under the bed. The yarn bins will go back in the closet, of course, but I'm going to try to make a curtain to make up for the missing door. If I can't make one, surely I can find an inexpensive one at Tuesday Morning or Big Lots, that isn't too offensive a color. We were going to get rid of our CD/VHS cabinets, and replace them with a beautiful side board we saw in one of our antique shops downtown. Since we can no longer afford that piece, we've decided to keep the pieces we have. It's fine, because the CD cabinets don't look as ugly with the new color of paint (oh, my I just love this paint) as they did with the old one.
Actually, there's story behind the old paint. Before Dave married me, he had painted the walls of this house a deep burgandy color. It was a beautiful color, but after a few years, the dark color made me feel like I was living in a cave. In an effort to brighten up my house (and my mood), I picked pastel colors: a cheery yellow for the living room, bath, and kitchen; a sagey green for our bedroom and the TV room (actually it's supposed to be a dining room, but we don't need one of those); and a pastel purple for the extra bedroom, the utility room, and the hall. I loved the pastel purple, but I haven't bought new pictures in forever. My old pictures originally hung in my blue and pink bedroom of my teen years, and they sort of disappeared into the light purple. When we decided to repaint this room, I stayed with purple, but chose a mistier color, with some gray undertones. I just love it. In fact, it is the reason I've included pictures with this post. I don't normally like to show my house in disarray, but I wanted my readers to see the new color, before it's hidded behind pictures and decorations.
Well, I guess I should get off the computer, and get to work. I still have lots of boxes to go through.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Little Stash Busting

Not really in a mood to clean, I got out my spring shawl, and sat down to knit. I've almost finished with the knitting part, and could easily have it blocked, fringed and ready to wear in time for this weekend's predicted cool snap. There's just one problem. Me. I seem to be perfectly able to get a project started, but quickly lose interest before the work is complete. I call it knitting ADD. What is my solution to the problem? Crochet for a while.
When Charlie called us to say they were ready to start on our room, Dave and I got busy. We took the pictures off the wall, moved the hanging plants to the covered porch, and emptied the room. Of course, the contents of that room ended up in my living room, and among the disorder, sits my storage bins that contain my yarn stash. What a perfect opportunity to look through those bins and rediscover the treasures I have. My 20 balls of Rowen Plaid, for example...
this blend of merino wool, acrylic, and a touch of alpaca caught my eye during one of our many Plano trips. The Woolie Ewe had decided to no longer carry Rowen yarns, and were having a clearance sale to make room for new items. I purchased this yarn at 75% off the regular price. That is huge, folks. I bought all they had of this color. I wanted to make sure I had plenty on hand for any project I chose. Sadly, the poor yarn has been sitting, neglected, in my stash closet for years. I just couldn't seem to decide what to do with it...until now.
I don't know if the photo is clear enough for you to tell, but the colors of this yarn are pale blue, pale brown, and tan. This is the perfect color combination for a seashell patterned afghan. I looked though all my crochet afghan books until I found what I was looking for. The pattern is called Ocean Breeze, and can be found in a Leisure Arts booklet called Afghans On The Double. I'm still going to try to finish my shawl, but this is an nice change of pace for today.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Attn: Northeast Texas Drivers

I just thought I'd send out a friendly warning to ya'll. A couple of weeks ago, I was getting ready to drive over to the appartments to visit Max. To avoid lugging a purse with me, I decided to put my drivers licence and proof of insurance into my cell phone case. As I removed them from my wallet, I discovered that my licence had expired. Yes, I've been driving illegally since my last birthday. Yikes! I know I hadn't received the usual reminder in the mail, and when I mentioned it to the lady at the DPS, she told me they stopped sending those out. Now I'm not sure about other states, or even areas of Texas, but for all of you who live in my area...check your licence.