Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I finally got a dragonfly picure! Earlier today, I watered the porch plants. This task involves moving each plant to the concrete walkway, watering them with the hose, and allowing them to drain before placing them back in their saucers. As the plants were draining, this big, beautiful dragonfly kept flying around. As usual, I didn't have my camera handy.
Later, when it became time to feed the cats, I decided to take my camera outside with me. I guess it was because of all the activity earlier, but I had a good feeling I'd finally get my shot. As I was heading around the house, toward the feeding area, this beauty flew past me and landed on the antenna of Dave's truck. I got several picures before it flew away, but this is the only one that came out clear. You can't tell in this picure, but the dragonfly's body is a pale blue color. It's simply beautiful.


  1. i knew you,d catch one..good job

  2. Thanks. This is a time when my newer camera would have come in handy. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for losing it.

  3. not only will you finally forgive yourself...but you'll get a new one
