Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well, it looks like my days and nights are mixed up again. It's been over a week of staying up and sleeping late. I've been told I'd feel better if my sleeping patterns were normal, and that's probably true, but I just can't help it. Like my mother, I've always prefered the peace and quiet of the nighttime hours. I read until Dave falls asleep, which takes all of two seconds. Sometimes I keep reading, while other times I'm in a knitting mood. Sometimes, like last night, I like to sit and just look through my craft books and magazines. One time I reorganized my sock yarn. I'm often still awake when Dave leaves for work at 4:30am. Yes, it bothers me that I'm turned around but, I've learned that it does no good to brood. These sleepless nights don't last forever, and since I don't work outside the home, I'll just enjoy my quiet time until they pass.


  1. Bits, this seems to be part of our legacy..just accept it. I am trying to. I also have an idea..during this quiet time.. pray. Us sisters are facing some serious "junk" right now and who better to lift each other up than someone who genuinely cares. I pledge to take every possible chance to let you and Norma and Zita know how thankful I am for you and how VERY much I love you. Hope to see you soon...chin are greatly loved!!!

  2. Aw, thanks. And I love and pray for all of you, too. You're absolutely right when you say that only someone who knows can truely understand. I'm always being advised to make myself get up in the mornings, and eventually I'll start sleeping at night. It makes sense in theory, but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
