Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, June 21, 2010

Three Angry Kitties

Today was vaccination day for my three female cats. Luckily, Dave is on vacation from the radio station, and was able to help me round them up. Mabel, as usual, was the easiest to catch. In fact, Dave had her in the Pet Taxi before I'd even woke up. Next came Abby, who had scurried out the pet door and onto the screened porch. It took some furniture moving and a little trickery, but we finally managed to capture her. Annie...well, let me just say we'd put this unpleasant task off as long as we could, but eventually we HAD to get her. She went behind the recliner and absolutely refused to come out. We had to get on each side of the chair with her in the middle, and Dave, with his long arms, coaxed her toward me. I finally got my hands on her, and had to inch her up over the end table, carefully holding her out from my body so she couldn't scratch me up. I've learned that if I hold her back paws with one hand, and her front paws with the other as I guide her, she's a little calmer going into the pet taxi.
Anyway, I'm happy to say that all cats are in great health, no fleas, earmites, or parisites of any kind. I just love it when things go, if I could only get them to forgive me...


  1. No scratches makes for a good trip to the vet.

  2. Your Annie..sounds a bit like catching Zita's Chipper. Chipper always knew when Zita was leaving for home and we had to spend so much time just finding her! Then came the coaxing. We learned to not let Zita show her suitcase until her kitty was in the taxi! She liked to go to the top of the A frame in the loft of Ric'ks room
