Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, June 7, 2010

Topsy Turvy Tomatoes!

The Topsy Turvy we bought this year yielded these beautiful tomatoes. We normally have more than this by now, but I've thought it over, and the planter may not be to blame. First of all, there is the shade factor. Even though the sun shines more in front of the shed, the overhang of the roof shades our topsy turvy more than I thought it would. I'm hoping this will not be an issue as the plant grows, and hangs down farther. Secondly, this is the only tomato bush we planted this year, where normally we plant three. One can't expect to yield as much fruit with less plants, can one? Lastly, and most importantly, we still have plenty of summer left for these babies to grow, so the experiment isn't over yet. I can't make a final judgement until the experiment is over. Until that time, I'm going to enjoy these tomatoes and all the others, however many that may be, we harvest.


  1. cherry tomatoes or small yellow bells are much easier to grow than the larger varieties..the sweet 100's go crazy..maybe it is the breed you chose..

  2. We chose early girl medium tomatoes. I think maybe the overhang of the roof is shading it too much. Dave thinks it just simply doesn't work, and I'm being too nice.
