Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was watering and trimming my flowers today, and it reminded me of something Dave said to me earlier this year. The cable man was here, and Dave was telling him where we needed the new connection, while I was outside with my potted plants (I was outside a lot back then). I was trimming the spent flowers off my geranium when I accidentally cut off a nice bud. Before I could stop myself, I cried "Oh, no!" Both men looked at me with such inquiring expressions, that I had to explain what happened. Dave called me Morticia. I haven't seen the Addams Family movies, but apparantly in one of them, Morticia is grooming her garden by cutting off the flowers and leaving he weeds. lol


  1. It showed her cutting off the flowers in quite a few of the TV shows.

  2. I didn't know that. I was more of a Munsters fan.

  3. the words they make you copy before you can post..whats with that? I always get something flyshet..pigsbut...esshole..are they making fun of me?

  4. They probably use the same sort of words for everyone. They haven't made me use one to comment here, but on facebook, it's usually just a bunch of letters that don't make sense.
