Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hoya Plants

When I first started gardening, I focused mainly on houseplants to decorate my big front porch. I became a member of to learn what I could about them, and how to grow them. One family of plants I became completely fascinated with is hoyas, the most common of which is the hoya carnosa, or wax plant. On, there is a whole forum dedicated to this plant family, and it is here, with all their encouragement, where I got my start into the world of hoyas. A very generous gardener, and fellow DG member sent me three different plants to start with, and it took off from there. Since then, I've added to my collection a bella, shephardii, compacta, and two more carnosa. Sadly, I lost a couple of my hoyas when I went through my period of depression, but I still have most of them, and two of them are producing flowers. The first picture shows my hoya compaca, or hindu rope plant. This one is pretty good to bloom every year, but the second picture, hoya shephardii or stringbean, is budding for the first time. What a nice surprise.

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