Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Update On Morty

Wow, my days and nights are so turned around. I'm sitting here at my computer, waiting for Dave's alarm to go off at 4am, and reflecting on my day. Well, I guess it's technically yesterday I'm reflecting on, but since I haven't been to sleep yet, it feels like it's still today. Does that make sense?
It was a calm, uneventful day, which was much welcomed after yesterday's storm. After Dave went to work (little before 5am), I read for a while and finally was able to sleep. I slept pretty peacefully until noon, when I got up to eat lunch with Dave. I'm pleased to report that Morty is much better. He still has some pain in his back legs, but he's eating, jumping upon the furniture (which he was unable to do yesterday), and he's come out of hiding. He didn't cower when we checked on him, nor did he startle at sudden noises today. He greeted us with his tail up when we got home from our afternoon walk. The little monster even tried (although half heartedly) to slip outside when Dave went to take up the leftover cat food (since our first raccoon sighting, we lock any uneaten food in the shed at night). In other words, he's acting like his old self. Thank you so much, family and friends who read my blog, for your support. I know he's just a cat, but he's my special boy, and he was really in serious shape. Thanks to God, and your prayers, he's much better today.
Now if I could just get rid of these tension headaches...

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