Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, July 12, 2010

Morty's Adventure

As most of you know, I feed and care for a managed colony of stray cats in the neighborhood. There are about ten who visit my feeding bowls, and about half of that ten have chosen to call my yard home. We have a great routine going, but every now and then, and new cat wonders into the territory to disturb the peace. Sometimes they accept the newcomer, but more often they....well, don't. Since about two weeks ago, a yellow tabby cat has been straying into our yard, causing a rift among the residents. So far, all that has happened is stand-offs, posturing, and a few hissy fits, but fortunately, no real fights.
Today, as I went to the fridge for my much needed fix of diet coke, I glanced out the back window to see the yellow cat had come back. Since I love cats, and am fascintated by thier behavior, I decided to watch him for a while. He was sitting on his belly on the bottom step of my shed, nibbling on a blade of grass. I stood there, amazed at how much he looks like my Morty, when it hit me that none of the other cats were paying attention to him. That's odd, I thought to myself. I know they do not like the newcomer at all, so why are they just letting him sit in "their" yard and eat "their" grass. I wondered if he had been accepted into the group, and was mentally scheduling a neuter surgery for him, when he looked up at me. Wow, he looks so much like Morty....wait...OMG, it IS Morty. We had a tiny rip in the screening material on our back porch, and he had torn it big enough to wiggle out and escape. Luckily, he's not a roamer, and was still in the yard.
Well he's back inside now, and the pet door leading to the back porch is locked until Dave gets home and we can fix the screen. Happily, he's not begging to get out, but I know we'll have to fix it as quickly as possible, because his adventure will wear off, and he'll be ready for another one soon. Ah, cats...

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