Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, July 26, 2010

Change Of Plans

Last week, I started what I thought was a stash busting project. The pattern was a knitted blanket with a pocket, which allows the blanket to be folded into a pillow when not in use. My goal was to use up some thick yarn I had bought back when I first started knitting, but had been sitting in my trunk unused. I was happily knitting, when I realized it wasn't going to work. I had used up almost an entire skein, and the stripe wasn't even half finished. I went back to the pattern, Where I learned that I didn't have enough yarn (apparantly I'd read the supply list wrong earlier). I was pretty bummed, because I really wanted to make this pattern, but it was going to cost forty dollars for the additional yarn needed to complete this project. Since I've been trying to use my stash yarn, and I don't have an extra forty dollars in my budget right now, I decided to unravel my work and start a new blanket. I cast on eighty three stitches, and I'm just going to knit in seed stitch until I run out of yarn. This should make a nice throw-sized blanket for someone....or me...

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