Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just Checking In...

Well, here it is the wee hours of the night, and once again, I find myself still awake well after Dave, and most normal people, have gone to sleep. I remember my mother was a night owl, and I guess I take after her. I don't really have much to report. In the Spring, when I started blogging, my garden was bursting with new life. I loved walking around my yard, camera in hand, looking to share each new discovery with my readers. I knew my posts would slow down with the Summer heat, but I still had planned post often and keep my blog current. When I realized I'd only posted twice this week, I thought I'd check in, and let my readers know that all is well here. Dave and I still do our mile and a half walks in the eveings for exercise, although we've had to slow our pace a bit (the heat and humidity are just brutal). The screen is holding and the cats are healthy, and spoiled as ever. My garden, although a little wilted from the heat, continues to grow, even though I do very little more than just water these days. Recently, most of my time has been spent on my crafts. I've knitted several dishcloths, started a light weight cardigan, and a chunky moss stitch afghan. I'm also pleased to report that I've gone though, and reorganized, all my yarn and knitting supplies. I have a terrible addiction to knitting and crochet supplies, and I've accumulated an astonishingly large stash of yarn, but now that I've rediscovered what I have, I can begin to use it. I've already printed out the pattern, and sellected yarn for a new project. I'll tell you more about it next week. I'm pretty excited!

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