Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Too Bright?

Yikes! I just finished this Ballband dishcloth, and wow, it's bright. I had some denim cotton yarn in the color, indigo, and I wanted to knit a dishcloth with it. Every color I tried to pair it with just didn't look right. I went to Free Crochet Pattern Centrals' dishcloth library, and discovered a really cute cloth. It was the shape of a blue jeans pocket, with the stitching sewn using an orange color. This gave me the idea to pair my indigo yarn with orange. Now, I must admit the color they used was much more subdued than this, but I used the only orange I had. Wow! I think it might be burning my eyes!