Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fixing The Screen

Today, Dave fixed the screen. I didn't realize it until after the fact, but I should have taken before pictures so you could see what an excellant job he did. I'm so proud of him, and feel so blessed to have a husband, who loves me enough to put up with my cats' antics. You're the best, Dave!
We had to lock the pet door, so Dave could remove the screen door from its hinges. He laid it on our fold out table and got to work. That meant having to remove all the trim, and take out the torn screen. Then he had to cut a piece of pet resistant screen to fit, spline it in place, then replace the trim. As he reinstalled the fixed screen, Max and Morty just had to inspect the old screening material.
So now our back screen door is as good as new, but as you can see in the last picture. Morty is already planning his next escape. You'd think getting the stuffing whipped out of him would have been enough to discouraged such plans. Well, he can try all he wants, but this pet resistant screening will definately hold. At least it has with the rest of the porch.