Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I finally got a dragonfly picure! Earlier today, I watered the porch plants. This task involves moving each plant to the concrete walkway, watering them with the hose, and allowing them to drain before placing them back in their saucers. As the plants were draining, this big, beautiful dragonfly kept flying around. As usual, I didn't have my camera handy.
Later, when it became time to feed the cats, I decided to take my camera outside with me. I guess it was because of all the activity earlier, but I had a good feeling I'd finally get my shot. As I was heading around the house, toward the feeding area, this beauty flew past me and landed on the antenna of Dave's truck. I got several picures before it flew away, but this is the only one that came out clear. You can't tell in this picure, but the dragonfly's body is a pale blue color. It's simply beautiful.

Happy Hoya

Wow! Just a short week after my hoya compacta plant dropped its flowers, new buds had already formed. These buds start out as tiny pink beads on small stems. As they grow, they flatten out into the flower-shaped disks picured here. This is what they look like shortly before they open. In fact, the day after I took this photo, the flowers opened. If you click the picure to enlarge it, you'll notice a smaller bud already forming in the lower left corner. The plant must be happy in this spot, because it looks like it's going to provide color all season...and that makes me happy, too. :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Surrounded By Beauty

I wish I could say this is my crape myrtle, but It actually belongs to my neighbor. She works so hard in her yard, and it really shows. This small tree sits at the side of her house facing ours, and when I'm sitting in my chair in the TV room, I can look out the window and see it. During the winter, it drops its leaves, and serves as a playground for red cardinals. As Spring arrives, she prunes the branches, causing it to leaf out beautifully, finally blooming in the Summer. Beautiful! I just may have to have a crape myrtle of my own someday, but until then, I'll just sit back and enjoy hers.

Late Bloomer

This particular rosebush doesn't bloom until Summer. I had forgotten that, and was beginning to wonder what was going on. I knew it wasn't dead, because it leafed out beautifully this spring, and had kept most of its foliage. Last week, I noticed new growth beginning to sprout, and that's when I remembered this was a summer bloomer. I just love the deep burgandy color of the new leaves, and it now has three big buds on it. I can hardly wait to see the display of pink roses this bush will produce.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Good Week

Dave has been on vacation from the radio station for a week. He still had the local tv news show to do, so he wasn't completely off, but we still had a great time. He got to sleep in, then relax with his coffee and newspaper until lunch time (well, except for the vet visits earlier in the week). He also had time to do some cooking, which he loves. Saturday, we got to go to Plano, where my favorite yarn store, The Woolie Ewe, is. Dave dropped me off to shop for about an hour while he went to Fry's. I got two hanks of Malabrigo sock yarn and a couple of cute little project bags. After he picked me up, we went to Costco to stock up on some of our favorite snacks and some catfood, before heading home. I just love a good road trip, and it had been so long since we'd gotten out of town. Sunday was an awesome day. At church, we had the best lesson. I felt God's Spirit with me for the first time in weeks.
Now it's back our regular routine. I'm going to miss having Dave with me in the mornings, but I can still look forward to our lunch hours together. I really do have a great life.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank You

I know it's not a secret that I've been pretty down lately. It seems like Summer is harder for me than any other time. It's too hot to get out in the garden, and since the kids are out of school, driving seems more dangerous for someone as nervous as I am. Because of this, I spend the majority of my time hiding out in the house. This always leads to thinking, which leads to worrying, which leads to guilt...and so on...
Well, somebody must have really prayed for me this week, because for the last couple of days, I've felt more like my old self than I have in a long time. Today, I finished knitting the last dishcloth in a set of three, and my ruffled scarf, on the blocking boards, is now dry and ready to be finished off. Morty is still overgrooming, but he's acting more like his old self. He even greeted us at the door when we came back from our afternoon walk, something he hasn't done in a long time. I think I'm going to try to, instead of begging for God to stop his overgrooming, focus on thanking God that he's happy and healthy. That's really all that matters, isn't it? Please, Lord, help me because I really want to do this.
So, for all of my family and friends, who have prayed for me, thank you! It seems to have helped, and I appreciate it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fear Not, For I have redeemed thee...

"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Isaiah 43:2

God didn't tell us we'd never have challanges, failures, or heartaches, but he did promise he'd never leave us. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blurry Butterfly

I took my camera outside with me today when I fed the cats. I keep seeing this beautiful blue dragonfly, with long gorgeous wings, and I was hoping to get a picure of it. I didn't see it this time, but I did manage to get this butterfly. It had landed on my daisy and just sat there, opening and closing its wings. The picure is a little blurry, but I decided to post it anyway. This is my first wildlife shot. From now on, I'll try to remember to bring my camera for every feeding. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a really great shot one of these days.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Taco Salad Day

Taco salad is the perfect lunch when it's hot outside, and you don't want to spend lots of time in the kitchen. Here is my recipe for this fast, easy meal. It had been so long, I'd forgotten how delicious it is.

Easy Taco Salad

1 lb ground meat
1 chopped onion
Taco seasoning packet
1 can of light red kidney beans (or your bean of choice)
1 packaged salad (we like just plain garden mix)
Veggies of choice
Grated cheese
Tortilla chips
Salsa if desired
Brown ground meat together with onion. Add your taco seasoning packet, and just enough water for easy mixing. When all the mix is disolved and evenly distributed, add can of beans and heat through. While that is heating, open your salad package, and prepare your veggies. We used grape tomatoes, cut in half, and black olives. Dave added chopped avacado to his, but I passed on that. Sprinkle cheese on your salad, and top with meat/bean mixture and salsa of choice (we had some of my cousin, Yvonne's, homemade salsa). You can either have your chips on the side, or crumble them up on top. Very tastey. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Three Angry Kitties

Today was vaccination day for my three female cats. Luckily, Dave is on vacation from the radio station, and was able to help me round them up. Mabel, as usual, was the easiest to catch. In fact, Dave had her in the Pet Taxi before I'd even woke up. Next came Abby, who had scurried out the pet door and onto the screened porch. It took some furniture moving and a little trickery, but we finally managed to capture her. Annie...well, let me just say we'd put this unpleasant task off as long as we could, but eventually we HAD to get her. She went behind the recliner and absolutely refused to come out. We had to get on each side of the chair with her in the middle, and Dave, with his long arms, coaxed her toward me. I finally got my hands on her, and had to inch her up over the end table, carefully holding her out from my body so she couldn't scratch me up. I've learned that if I hold her back paws with one hand, and her front paws with the other as I guide her, she's a little calmer going into the pet taxi.
Anyway, I'm happy to say that all cats are in great health, no fleas, earmites, or parisites of any kind. I just love it when things go, if I could only get them to forgive me...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

"Honor you father and your mother, as the Lord, your God has commanded you..." Deuteronomy 5:16

Even though my Dad is no longer with us physically, He will live forever in our memories. I'd like to take a moment today to honor him...
As an ironworker, he loved building things. He worked for a company responsible for many of Dallas' famous buildings, including the original Texas Stadium. He took great pride in this accomplishment, and shared stories of the experience. At home, he was devoted to Mom and his children. He loved the outdoors, and his hobbies included gardening, hunting, and fishing. He was always quick to share anything he had with someone in need, and loved to help others in any way he could. The church where I still worship today was built, by him and a team of men from congregation, using a blueprint he'd drawn on the back of a paper plate. I am forever thankful to God for blessing me with such a father.

Sterling Templeton, sr
September 27, 1927-April 27, 2009

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was watering and trimming my flowers today, and it reminded me of something Dave said to me earlier this year. The cable man was here, and Dave was telling him where we needed the new connection, while I was outside with my potted plants (I was outside a lot back then). I was trimming the spent flowers off my geranium when I accidentally cut off a nice bud. Before I could stop myself, I cried "Oh, no!" Both men looked at me with such inquiring expressions, that I had to explain what happened. Dave called me Morticia. I haven't seen the Addams Family movies, but apparantly in one of them, Morticia is grooming her garden by cutting off the flowers and leaving he weeds. lol

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Felting occurs when a project, knitted or crocheted with 100% wool is agitated until the fibers break down. I'd always shied away from felting, but last year my curiosity got the better of me and I tried it. As with any new tecnique, I needed a push to try it. I went to Ravelry, and explained that I wanted to try felting, but was a little intimidated. Just like every other time I needed encouragement to try something, they came through for me. I was directed to a pattern for a felted fish-shaped cat toy, a project small enough to use my wool yarn scraps. If the project was a flop, no useable yarn is waisted, no harm done.
Well, the project was a success, and very easy. I knitted up two fishes, hand felted them in the sink, then put them on top of the washer to dry. Afterward, I stuffed them with polyfill, rolled in dried catnip, and inserted a bell. At first the cats were a little freaked out by them, but they soon were playing and throwing them around with the other toys.
Since then, I've found many felted projects I'd like to try, but for some reason, I haven't made any of them. In fact, I haven't felted again. Maybe I should look at those patterns again...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lord, Help Me...

"...Lord, I believe; Help thou mine unbelief!" Mark 9:24

When I started this blog, I purposed in my heart to keep my posts on a positive note, making it a pleasant reading experience for my friends. I've strayed a couple of times, but I think on the whole, I've managed to do that. In fact, I don't know why I decided to make this public, but lately I'm really discouraged. I've been praying for a certain situation in my home since November of last year. I won't bore you with the details, because this is something that is so small that I shouldn't be bothered by it, but for some reason it has become a source of spiritual torment. I've been told by many strong people of faith that God has heard my pleas and will answer them. I believe this to be true, but I'd be lying if I said there hasn't been doubts. The part of me who grew up knowing God still knows that he will answer my prayer in His perfect time, but the part of me who has been living with this thing for months has grown weary and weak in my faith. It's just such a small thing, I don't understand why God is taking so long to fix it, but as the scripture says, His ways are not our ways.
Please, God, I need you. Help me with these feelings of anger an doubt, and bring me back to where I need to be. This small thing has grown too big and heavy for me to carry. Please take it from me for good. Please, help me to leave it with you, and not take it back...

Eye Grow Update

Wow, these things grow fast. It hasn't been that long since I posted that he'd sprouted, and just look at him now. After the grass had grown I cut it straight across, and put the buck-toothed smiley sticker on the cup. He was really looking cool, but as you can see, the cats have discovered him. I've abandoned all attempts to keep his hair cut neat, but that's ok. He looks just as cute spikey.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tootsie Shot

This shot of my feet was taken to show my new orange nail polish. I've been looking all over for for just the right shade to go with my brand new flip flops. Most of the colors I've found were either too peach or too red, but I finally found the perfect shade. It's called Hot Tamale, and it's from Pure Ice, a nail polish put out by Bari Cosmetics, Ltd, and available at Walmart. It goes perfectly with my new flip flops, which unlike the pair I refered to in a previous post, were well worth the extra money. I really am growing fond of the blue and brown color combination.

A Pet Friendly Gardening Tip

Most of you gardeners may already know this, but I'd like to share a tip I've learned just in case. At the beginning of Spring, I discovered aphids on my big pot of salvia. Since most aphid killers are toxic to pets, I just ignored it, but no more. I've discovered that a spray bottle, filled with water and a few drops of Ivory dishwashing soap is as good as any chemical on the market, and less expensive than insecticidal soap. Simply apply your Ivory mixture to the affected area, leave it a few seconds, then give it a stiff spray with the hose. The aphids are gone, and your pets are safe. What could be better than that?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Psalm 46:1-4

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. selah
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high."

Dear Lord, thank you for being that refuge. Please help me remember to turn to you when my world is troubled around me. Amen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hoya Plants

When I first started gardening, I focused mainly on houseplants to decorate my big front porch. I became a member of to learn what I could about them, and how to grow them. One family of plants I became completely fascinated with is hoyas, the most common of which is the hoya carnosa, or wax plant. On, there is a whole forum dedicated to this plant family, and it is here, with all their encouragement, where I got my start into the world of hoyas. A very generous gardener, and fellow DG member sent me three different plants to start with, and it took off from there. Since then, I've added to my collection a bella, shephardii, compacta, and two more carnosa. Sadly, I lost a couple of my hoyas when I went through my period of depression, but I still have most of them, and two of them are producing flowers. The first picture shows my hoya compaca, or hindu rope plant. This one is pretty good to bloom every year, but the second picture, hoya shephardii or stringbean, is budding for the first time. What a nice surprise.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Creamy Butter Spread

Dave and I were shopping at Costco last year, when we discovered the best butter spread I've ever tasted. They were providing samples of their Italian round bread for the shoppers to try. I had commented on how delicious the butter was, and she told me how to make it. Nothing can be easier. Just take an eight ounce tub of cream cheese and mix it with a tub of butter of about the same size (the measurements don't have to be exact as long as it's close), and there you have it. This butter/cream cheese mix is delicious as is, but if you'd like to have a little fun you can mix in garlic or your favorite blend of herbs. If you have a sweet tooth, you can mix some with your favorite jelly for a perfect topper to bagels or toast. Mix a spoonful of butter mixture with about half spoonful of Jelly. Try it. You won't be disappointed.


I'm sure I don't have to tell you what you're eyes have already seen, but I've changed the look of my blog. Blogspot has added a new designing tool, and I used it to make a few adjustments. I'm not sure about it, but I don't know how to change it back or if it even can be changed back. I can, however keep tweaking the new lay out, so let me know what you think.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Rebloom

Well, my reblooming azaleas have produced thier first new flush of flowers. I love these shrubs so much, but I have to say these are the strangest plants I've ever seen. The new flowers seem to be a slightly darker color than the first ones. I know this isn't my imagination, because I looked back at the old pictures to see. Instead of the salmon color, these are more reddish orange. Maybe salmon is the color they fade to as they mature. It doesn't matter either way. I was really only looking for shrubs for this front area, and the flowers are just a nice bonus. They've definately provided entertainment and surprise.

It Made it!

This is the spider plant that fell apart last month when I tried to divide it. I had picked out the healthiest looking pieces, potted them up, then waited to see what happened. By the end of the month, I began to see new leaf growth, a sure sign that life was still there. I cleaned out a big hanging pot to replant all the pieces together, and waited another couple of weeks, and this is what my plant looks like today. Now, I can say, with confidence, that the plant survived. No more dividing spider plants for me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Linoleum Dishcloth

I recently discovered this dishcloth pattern, and I just had to try it. I put my Ballband frenzy on hold so I could make a few, and I'm so glad I did. This was designed by Kay Gardiner, of Mason Dixon Knitting fame, and is available for free on their blog. I'm really enjoying this design, which was intended to mimic the pattern of vintage linoleum floors. It's fun and easy to follow, and you'll love the results. If you're interested in learning more, or knitting up a few, click here. Enjoy!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good News

I have good news for all Dyson vacuum owners out there. The company really stands by thier product, and the customer service is excellant. When Dave called last week to order our new hose, they were very helpful and knowledgable. Not only that, they told him the replacement hose is free since this is our first time to use thier service. Today our new part arrived in the mail. Wow, that was fast! I have to say this is the best experience I've had with a company in a very long time. For anyone out there thinking of buying a Dyson but you're just not sure, my advice, if it's in your budget at all, is to get it. I know it's pricey, but it's a superior product and the company is a pleasure to deal with.

Topsy Turvy Tomatoes!

The Topsy Turvy we bought this year yielded these beautiful tomatoes. We normally have more than this by now, but I've thought it over, and the planter may not be to blame. First of all, there is the shade factor. Even though the sun shines more in front of the shed, the overhang of the roof shades our topsy turvy more than I thought it would. I'm hoping this will not be an issue as the plant grows, and hangs down farther. Secondly, this is the only tomato bush we planted this year, where normally we plant three. One can't expect to yield as much fruit with less plants, can one? Lastly, and most importantly, we still have plenty of summer left for these babies to grow, so the experiment isn't over yet. I can't make a final judgement until the experiment is over. Until that time, I'm going to enjoy these tomatoes and all the others, however many that may be, we harvest.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Eye Grow

Sometimes, we Oddball Pet Snuggle knitters like to include a little gift when we send our blankets to the next knitter. Tuesday, I got this cute little eye grow. I've never even heard of them, much less seen one, but I'm fascinated by it. You simply saturate the "head" fill the cup with water, and wait for the grass to grow. As you can see, mine is beginning to sprout. I'm sure my cats will eventually discover it and decide to eat the grass, but for now, It's mine. :)
You can click here if you'd like to learn more about eye grows.


Well, it looks like my days and nights are mixed up again. It's been over a week of staying up and sleeping late. I've been told I'd feel better if my sleeping patterns were normal, and that's probably true, but I just can't help it. Like my mother, I've always prefered the peace and quiet of the nighttime hours. I read until Dave falls asleep, which takes all of two seconds. Sometimes I keep reading, while other times I'm in a knitting mood. Sometimes, like last night, I like to sit and just look through my craft books and magazines. One time I reorganized my sock yarn. I'm often still awake when Dave leaves for work at 4:30am. Yes, it bothers me that I'm turned around but, I've learned that it does no good to brood. These sleepless nights don't last forever, and since I don't work outside the home, I'll just enjoy my quiet time until they pass.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Romans 8:1

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."

Thank you, Jesus. Help me to live in your Spirit, where there is no condemnation or guilt.


I found the cutest pair of flip flops yesterday while Dave and I were at The Shoe Dept. They were brown with pink, purple, and off-white polka dots on them. I was thinking of buying them, when I noticed they were 20 dollars. Wow! I remember when my Mom could buy all of her girls a pair of flip flops for that much. I know they’re cute, and probably a better constructed than the ones from the grocery store, but they are just flip flops. Arent they? Maybe if they had the jewels added, or the comfort soles like some, but they didn't. They were just flip flops.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh, no!

My Dyson vacuum cleaner is busted. Yesterday, I was vacuuming the cat hair off the couch and chair as I do every week, when I realized I wasn't getting much suction. Those of you who are fortunate enough to have a Dyson, know how unusual this is. I mean, I've almost sucked up an area rug with this thing. I looked down to discover a big, gaping hole in the hose. My heart sank, but I'm pleased to discover we can order a new hose. Whew!
We got this vacuum cleaner a few months after we married. We had already owned two that lost suction, and no longer picked up cat hair. It's important for a vacuum I own to pick up cat hair. We were at Home Depot, when we saw this Dyson on clearance. I think it was about the time they were changing to the ball models or something, so we got a great deal on it. I've never regretted it, except for the fact that I'm spoiled now. I'm not sure I could ever be satisfied with anything else. Luckily, I doesn't look like I have to.