Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stormy Pictures

The good news is that I did get to visit Max after all. There was a break in the storms, and I got there around 3:30pm. He was waiting for me on the concrete wall behind the building, and I got to sit with him for almost an hour, before it started clouding back over. I called Dave to ask him if this was just a little cloud cover. He told me another storm was moving in, and I should wrap things up and get home. I sure didn't want to leave Max, but since I didn't think I'd get to see him at all, I couldn't be too disappointed.
After I got back home, I turned on the radio, and began to tidy up the house. The storm blew in around 5. Wow, it was a big one. I'm glad I got home when I did, and I'm sure Max had plenty of time to finish his food, and hunker back down. I took a couple of pictures from my front porch, and one from the back. I just couldn't believe it was this dark at 5pm...


  1. I know what you mean about the storm. It was so dark at nap time that even with the blinds on and the bathroom light I had to turn the lamp ona and it was still pretty dim and that was between 1 and 2:30.
    Glad you got your chance to visit Max since you wanted to so bad.
    Hope tomorrow is better. I think some of the kids were a little nervous throughout the day.
    I pray you have a good night!

  2. That was suppose to be blinds open and lamp on.

  3. I am so glad you got to see Max after all.

    Like I said Sunday, if I were you, I would just take him home. Sometimes the answers we get from God is for a time line. You did what you knew God wanted you to do at the time to fix the stress in your home with the cats. If the situation is different now, God's answer could be different, too.

  4. I guess I'm just afraid he'll run away, then I could possibly never see him again. Those two and a half weeks he was missing were pure hell, and I can't go through it again.
