Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It all started one night, probably about 3 weeks ago (give or take). I was unable to sleep (I know you're so surprised). My mind was wandering, making it impossible to read. Finally, after reading the same paragraph several times without understanding it, I decided to put my book down, and get up. I got on the computer, but couldn't get interested in neither web surfing nor games. I started looking though my pattern books, which put me in the mood to crochet. I was happily working on my blanket, when I noticed my shoulder making a popping sound everytime I did a treble crochet. It didn't hurt at all, but the sound began to annoy me to the point I had to put down my crochet. I don't know how long it's been doing that, but ever since that night, I notice it more. Even when the TV is on, I can hear the popping sound in the background. Sometimes it's impossible to ignore, causing me to put my work away, and just sit there. I never "just sit there." Why, oh why, do I get these crazy obsessions that prevent me from enjoying things I love?


  1. Oh man. I wonder what makes it pop? I hope it stops so as not to distract you. Seems like everything distracts me from doing anything. I plan and then the day will go so bad and I will hurt so much or I do watch a few shows right now. I am watching dancing with the stars and American Idol.
    I pray your shoulder stops popping or your brain tunes it out!

  2. I pray for the sound to stop distracting you. I pray further for it to stop completely.

    Loved the afghan.

  3. Did you Google shoulder popping? I did and it said if there was no pain it was just aging and you possibly caused by exertion through a repetitive motion. Can you make that stitch by moving in a different way?

  4. I've started holding my arm down closer to my side, and doing most of the work with my fingers. The trick is remembering to do the new arm position from one sitting to the next. lol

  5. Glad you have found something that helps you.

    I did some sewing this weekend. I made Gina's 2 dresses. It was nice to get them done. I also hemmed a pair of pillow cases for Norma.

    When I was going through my night stand drawer I found a copy of Bethel. I made you a copy so help me remember to give it to you.

    Bethany and Zach are suppose to come with me in the morning to be with the kids on Easter.

    I pray you have a good night so you will feel like comming.
    Love and prayers.
