Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Crossing My Fingers...

Right now, as I sit here and write, I'm highlighting my hair. I normally get my hair cut and colored by Kim twice a year. Once during the spring, and again around the Holidays. She uses the foil method, and three colors- one matching my natural color, one reddish tint, and a strawberry blond for highlights. Because of this layering of differen colors, I don't have a problem with roots as it grows out. I have some grays, but that's not the main reason I do it. I like to have it done because middle age has turned my hair dull, and it causes me to feel dull all over. Since a salon visit isn't in the budget at this time, I decided to do it myself. It won't be as professional as Kim's work, and there will be no red, but the blond highlights should brighten me up enough to feel better about myself. At least I hope so. Oop! My timer just went off....gotta go rinse....


  1. I am sure you can manage a pix..I didn't notice your hair being you not use Bio silk? It always shines my hair right up.

  2. I know you can do it. I'll see it in Sunday School. My hair is the one that is dull!

  3. Glenda, I use Bio Silk, and it does make my hair shiney. It's the color itself that's dull. The gray doesn't bother me, but the dark, drab color around my face makes me crazy. It looks oily only 30 minutes after a shower and shampoo.

  4. Bitsi, I know you have heard me say this have to find what works for you. What may make my hair look beautiful may really dull yours..we are all wonderfully made and different. My hair is getting thinner and no telling how gray it is. I am tired of the color go round but everytime I mention letting it go gray Perry asks me not to. I feel like the red is getting less and less natural looking and my hair grows so fast I am constantly having to touch up. I am weary of it. It may even be what keeps my head broken out. I want a perm and can hardly wait until I am over this surgery long enough to get one. I want to age gracefully..but it is so hard when aging makes me feel and look like CRAP!

  5. Glenda, Biotin is what Gia said her dr told her would keep her hair from falling out. 4000 whatevers. The ones I bought I have to take 4 a day. I just take them all at once and it seems to be working.

    By the way neither one of you ever looks like crap when I see you.
