Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joseph's Coat Rosebush

Tired of roses yet? My Joseph's coat rosebush bloomed today, and as I was taking pictures of it, it dawned on me. My last two blog posts were about my rosebushes...maybe I should write about something else, and leave these pictures until tomorrow...but, I just can't wait that long. Joseph's coat is a very intersting rosebush. It's a climbing bush, that produces clusters of buds. These buds open into yellowish orange roses, which change colors as they mature. The ideal is a dazzling display of various colored roses on the same bush. I've had my Joseph's coat for two years, and yes, the roses are beautiful, and do change colors. Unfortunately, my plant has never produced more than a couple of roses at the time, but I may have found the solution. Last year, as I was making room for the groundcover at the side of the house, I moved my potted Joseph's coat to the front of the shed. Since this is a much sunnier location, I decided to leave it. I'm so glad I did, because this plant has more buds than I've ever seen on it. Maybe, I just wasn't getting enough sun before. If so, this may be the year I finally see my Joseph's Coat in all it's glory. I'll keep everyone posted on it's progress...if you're not sick of roses, that is...


  1. I am not sick of roses. In fact my bush is doin a good job of blooming. Check out my pix I am fixing to post.

    I am so proud of you for coming to the funeral, too. God will bless you. It was a very nice service.

  2. I wanted to come. I got up early enough to have my bed made, my cats fed, and myself ready by 10 til 10. I showed up at the funeral home with plenty of time to spare, only to be told they were having it at that church. I was so upset that I was going to be late, that I started not to come. I called Dave, in the midst of one of my anxiety spells. He calmed me down, then met me at the funeral home, so I could follow him over to the church. I was embarrased to be late, but I'm glad I went.

  3. sorry, I should have reminded you, but I thought you had read the obit.

    Better late than never, that was nice of Dave to lead you over. I started to ask if you wanted to go to the graveyard with us but decided if you were not planning to go it might make you think I thought you should. Didn't wanna spoil your day

  4. I have never heard of tha kind of rose..interesting.

  5. I had read about it through I just figured it was a fancy variety that would never be available here. I was so happy to find one at Atwoods.
