Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Joseph's Coat Update

I wish the photo was a pretty as the actual plant, but I wanted you to see how the same rosebush, from two days ago, looks today. I hope you can see how the rose has turned pinkish, and the newer bloom is beginning to pink as well.


  1. that's amazing I had never heard of such a rose

  2. We missed you at Sunday School this morning. Lenita and I practiced playing Bethel and The Seeker

  3. I really like that rose. It is so neat that they change colors like that.
    I enjoyed the singing last night.
    I missed you at Suday School.
    Pray all is well.

  4. I had a very hard night, and was exhausted this morning. I just couldn't make myself go. I'm getting pretty tired of these bouts of extreme fear, sadness, then total exhaustion. :(

  5. I still miss my cat so much. It hurt more than words can say to give him up, and it still hurts to this day. I want him back, but I'm afraid to bring him home. I'm afraid he might wander off.
