Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hydrangea Pictures

The seemingly endless clouds and rain, have given me a terrible case of the blues. I was looking thought the garden pictures I took last week (I like to take lots of garden pictures, then save them for future posts). I was hoping these shots would remind myself of why I should appreciate this rain. It worked. Not only did it improve my mood, but it also provided me with today's post, because I found a couple I'd forgotten to share.
These are my hydrangea shrubs. The second picture is the one that was already planted and established by the previous owners of the house. The first picture, I'm especially proud of. This is the small bush we bought last year. I'm simply amazed at how much it's grown in such a short amount of time. If you'd like to see for yourself, click here to see the picture I took last year of the same plant. I'll post another comparison after it blooms.


  1. Beautiful. I just love those flowers ( can't spell it tho) and I would love to have some of them. Ms Moss brought me several bushes of azaela's from her sisters in Little Rock, but between the dogs and the crawdads I don't think any of them made ( One got mowed down, I think Justin was helping and didn't know about them because they were on the north side of the house

  2. one of my very favorite flowers.

  3. I actually hadn't given them much thought until I moved into a house that had one. Now I'm a huge fan.
