Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rainy Day, Rainy Mood

This is not one of my better days, so I probably shouldn't even be writing. It's raining and dark, with no end in sight, and Dave, along with the other DJ's have to be at the station to cover it. Normally, I'd put on some music, or sit outside with my knitting and watch the storm, but not today. All I can think about is how unfair it is that I'm not going to see Max today. He's probably snuggled down in some dry spot, and it would be unfair of me to draw him out so he can eat wet, soggy food in the rain. I've been hoping for a break in the storm, making a quick visit possible, but I don't have much faith it will happen. Dave just called to tell me that storms will continue in their listening area, and he wouldn't be home for lunch. I had to eat tuna salad all by myself, while I sat on the porch missing my husband and Max. Please, somebody feel sorry for me. Just a little. :(


  1. I will feel sorry for you if you like..but I am afraid it won't change a thing. Only thinking on things that are lovely, etc will do that. God is good. I have plenty of dark days of my own. Maybe I will seek some empathy, too, when the next one arrives

  2. Sorry for the whining. I knew I shouldn't have written today, but I was home all day alone. I was too nervous to knit, and I had to do something with my hands.

  3. I need a whine, too. Those cameras going in at work have got me totally off kelter. Give me a little of that sympathy. No joke I am really feelig blue. I do't like it!!
    Need a prayer!
    I love you!

  4. I'll feel sorry for you, because I'd hate to be taped all day.

    But, I don't want ya'll to be sorry for me. I added the plea for sympathy at the end as an attempt to lighten the heavy mood of the post. That's all. I honestly shouldn't have posted today, or I should have at least waited until the storm pictures. By then I'd have already seen Max, and my concern for him wouldn't have been mentioned. Too bad I didn't know it at the time.
