Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Is Yoga really excercise? I have to admit that I used to not think so. I've always thought that yoga (talking about only the physical technique, not the religion) was simply for relaxation and stretching. I have been proven wrong by my Wii fit board. I've always been told to stretch before every workout, so I've been using the yoga poses to stretch my muscles before beginning the aerobic portion of my routine. After that first day, I was sore in muscles I know I only used when I did the yoga poses. So after a week of Wii workouts, and still experiencing soreness, I can assure you that yoga, is indeed, excercise.


  1. I used to think that too before I started going to a yoga class. Now I have to make sure my evening is completely clear when I come back because afterwards I can't move! Last week the camel pose nearly finished me off ;-).

  2. I'm still in the beginning poses, and feeling sore, so I can't imagine how I'll feel when I move up to the harder poses.

  3. I have never tried to do the yoga poses but watching people on tv I know I could never do them.

  4. I do good to get around lately, couldn't hold out for a exercise routine, too
