Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mower Shopping

Dave wants a riding mower. A few weeks ago, he'd bought a used one from my uncle. It was a 46 inch tractor-style mower, whose owner had recently bought a new one. Dave mowed the back yard with no problems, but quickly discovered it was too much mower for our small front yard. He called my uncle, who bought it back from us, and found another buyer, whose yard was a better fit than ours. So, happily it worked out for everyone. Well, everyone except poor Dave, who really wanted, and still wants, a riding mower. I told him that if he wants one that much, why don't he just get one. He hardly ever buys anything for himself. We can get the money from savings, and pay it back without the interest involved in using a credit card. So he's been looking online for just the right mower. He now has his eyes on a 28 inch Forest Gump (his discription, not mine) style mower from Snapper. We have a dealer here in town, who also happens to be the authorized warranty center. And, even though you'd expect his prices to be higher, they're not. So, hopefully, Dave will soon be riding around the yard on a sweet new mower, and I'll no longer have to push his old mower, while he weeds (I'm terrified of the weedeater). That will leave me free to do the housework, and maybe we can finally have the indoors and outdoors looking nice at the same time.


  1. Good luck finding your perfect mower.

  2. We could probably get away with a riding mower in our yard. We currently have an electric one, and it's tiresome throwing the cord around and trying not to run it over!

  3. Wesley has owned 2 snappers at different times. He had a great success with them ( he had used ones) but he went to larger mowers.
    Good luck and have fun riding
