Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hoya Buds And Blooms

Just sharing some photos I took today...


  1. Those are beautiful. You are a gifted gardener.

  2. Beautiful flowers!! Sorry I have not logged in all week but I have read whatever has been written.
    Hope Dave got his mower ok and enjoys riding the yard. I know you like to mow but if it was me I would be in hog heaven for someone else doing the yard. I get enough outside time at work!! Now I am taking the boys outside when I have them on Saturday so that is more outside.
    There was a bunny in my front yard this morning. I was nervous of how the cats would take it but exept for a little bristling they didn't seem to fret it. i didn't know what or if I should do anything about it so in my usual way I did nothing but pray. I did not see him when I got home from work so I pray he either found his way home or found a nice new friendly home!! He was cute though. kinda small to med. fluffy white bunny with tall black ears.
    Sorry to have missed the trip with you and Kathy. I think I would really have enjoyed it but I already had the boys when I got the message. Norma said y'all had a really good visit.
