Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, June 6, 2011

Motivation Lacking

I don't know if it's the heat or possibly the worry I've been feeling over my sister, but something is taking all my energy. I haven't finished a project in so long. Oh, I've started plenty, but I don't seem to have the ability to stick with it. I sometimes look through my knitting magazines, remembering all the patterns I love so much, and at one time, had planned to knit. Same holds true with my crochet books. My poor plants have been neglected, except for the ones in the back yard, and that's only because I water them at cat feeding time, after I replenish the water bowls. I now have to take my afternoon walks in the evening around 7, and by then, I don't want to do it. I guess it's not unusual to feel this way during the heat of summer.
But Saturday, I did make myself repot some plants, and I did finish one of my socks I had on the needles. Hopefully, It's just a matter of making myself do it, which will eventually restart my wanting to do it. I'm sure that's all it is.

Please, all my readers who believe in the power of prayer, send a few to my sister. She just found out her husband has cancer, and will soon begin treatments. They need all the strength they can get.


  1. Bitsi, I wouldn't stress about it. This heat is sapping my energy too. Perry and I had made great strides on de-cluttering the house but I think we need a rest from it. We'll start back and so will you.

    We visited Norma yesterday and Perry thought she looked more rested than she has in ages. They will be going home tomorrow. I asked if she was bummed about that and she said no.

  2. We have all been thru slumps but as you know I HATE summer months. It is so much easier to get warm than to get cool.
    See ya at prayer meeting
