Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I hope all you Dads out there are enjoying your special day. Back in May, when I wrote my Mother's Day post, I spoke of her love for animals, cats in particular. I thought I'd continue that theme with a cat story about Dad.
I was a young girl, still in school, when I came home one day to find we had a new kitten. I don't remember if he was found in the road ditch out front, or if he was just wondering around in that area, but I do remember he was tiny, and beat up looking when they rescued him. He was so small, and pretty rough looking, and Mom named him Prince Albert. Of course, I was just thrilled to have a kitten in the house. With plenty of food, and Dad's willingness to doctor the cat's wounds with Peroxide, Prince grew into a beautiful, huge, healthy as a horse cat. He loved us all, but he really had a special place for Dad. I know because Dad is the only one who could hold him like this and not lose a finger...I miss my Dad and Prince very much. I don't know if there are pets in Heaven, but I really hope there are.


  1. I remember PA..didn't he used to drag home after tom-catting around with wounds Dad had to doctor through the years?

  2. Yes, that's him. That was before we learned it was just as important to neuter males as it is to spay females. It's a shame we didn't know that back then, because it would have save him from many fights.

  3. I remember that. Dad was like Dave. He did not care for cats but due to the fact that there were cats always around he became fond of them, too. PA, Moses and Blue Snow for example. You can't always be around cats without getting close especially if they choose you.
