Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, June 10, 2011


Last time Dave and I did the yard, I was exposed to poison ivy. Two days later, the all too familiar itch developed, leaving the unfortunately all too familiar rash. Poison ivy is terribly hard on me. Usually, before it runs its course, I have rashes all over my body, and even on my face. None of the traditional treatments have ever been effective for me, and I normally end up in the doctors' office, getting a shot. All that changed, when I discovered Technu. This body wash cleans away the oils that cause the rash. Since this has become my treatment of choice, no more doctors or shots. (Yay!)

So, when I began to break out, I went straight to Walmart for my Technu wash. They didn't have the product I normally buy, but it had been replaced by a product called 'Extreme Technu,' Which is thicker and has a gritty texture. According to the directions, I was supposed to squeeze out the needed amount, mix it with an equal amount of water, then gently rub it on the area for fifteen seconds. Well, I didn't follow those instructions. I was so itchy, and that gritty texture felt so good, I omitted the water. Then I rubbed it in for thirty seconds before rinsing it off. The good news is that the poison ivy dried up, and spread no farther than the legs. The bad news is I dried up my skin so much it itches almost as much as the rash did. :(


  1. I am so sorry. It looks even worse that it did Tues at Prayer Mtg. My God put his healing balm on you!

    PS I thought I was the only Templeton that didn't like to read the

  2. By the way, I told Dave I thought it looked worse, and he assured me it didn't. I guess he was just trying to make me feel better.

  3. I have never had poison ivy but I am not a stranger to skin rashes...I have much sympathy for you but thankfully you have found something that helps..FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!! Silly girl. I know about dry skin, too...

  4. Oh Man. I was hoping that would clear right up. Are you putting anything on it? You may need to use a triple anti-biotic or maybe a heavy skin cream if you think it is just dry. You might have abraided your skin and need something to help it heal like the ant-biotic cream ar a cortizone cream. Listen to dr. Zita Like I know! LOL Anyway I will pray for it.
