Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Little Test Drive

Dave is still looking for the perfect riding mower...and having tons of fun in the process...


  1. you go, Dave. I pray your find the perfect mower for your yard. Wesley sure did enjoy his snapper. It was his first riding mower. He owned 2 different ones. an orange one at first ( bought at a yard for $100. Then the other one was Lots more.

  2. make that you find...o well guess I shoulda graduated instead of getting a GED

  3. He had fun. The guy offered to let him drive it around the lot, to see if he liked the 0 turn. Of course, that's also way too much machine for us, but he sure enjoyed driving it.

  4. Looking good. Hope he finds the perfect one for your needs.

    I was glad I went on home to get ready tonight because the family night started at 6.

    Did anyone ever show up besides you and Wanda? Norma thought Gina was suppose to be there.

  5. Missed prayer meeting. Hope you guys prayed for us. Rhonda's fever broke and she is doing better

  6. I feel like a heal now. Shortly after Zita left, Sis Wanda and I talked briefly. Finally, we just went home. We didn't have prayer meeting. I just assumed Gina was at the family night. This is why I'm not a good leader.

  7. Bitsi, being in a roll of leadership..for anything, is a learning experience. Woe is the group led by someone who already thinks they know it all!! You learned something..always pray at prayer meeting even if all you can say is "Lord, I don't know what situation or who may need prayer now..You do. So I ask You to cover all needs that are known and especially those that have not yet made themselves known...In Jesus Name...Amen."

    love ya..glenda

  8. Don't beat your self up... when Gina rode with me to the funeral, she said she just went to bed and didn't go to prayer meeting because she assumed it was canceled. She did not go to family night, she had two shots in her head. ( she felt bad)

    Love ya1

  9. I would have stayed and waited longer if I could have gotten inside the church, but neither of us has a key. Dave and I pray for our own list of people every night, and it's normally the same people as ou prayer meeting list. So it isn't like nobody got prayed for.

  10. For some reason, my computer will not let me edit my last comment. When I reread it, it sounded cranky to me, and I wanted to reword it. Basically, I was just trying to let everyone know that I pray with Dave every night before bed. They did get prayed for, and continue to be prayed for each night. I'm sure we all do the same thing.
