Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, June 20, 2011

Obesity Crisis?

Ok, so my husband and I decided to get out our Wii fit. I had shoved it to the back of my closet last year, when it told Kloe she was overweight. Rediculous. It's hard enough to motivate yourself to excersize, do they have to make you feel like such a loser, before they even allow you to start? Anyway, I packed it away, having never even touched it.
As the heat increased, making my daily walks unbearable, I knew it was time to find some way to get a regular workout while staying indoors. I prepared myself to be told I'm obese. The Wii fit goes by BMI only, and since I'm not 120 or less, I'm obese. So after it told me I was obese, it gave me a ballance test to check my Wii fit age. Your Wii fit age tells you what condition your body is in for its age, in other words, how fast your body is aging. According to my Wii fit age, I have the body condition of a 31 year old, and I'm in great shape. That's almost 12 years younger than my actual age. Wow!
So wait a minute...I'm obese, but in great shape? And if it's possible to be obese And in great shape, then why does our society consider obesity to be such a crisis? Makes no sense to me, either...


  1. I have heard from several people that the wii exercise games are lots of fun. When I was going to Weight Watchers they gave exercise points for several of the games. I would like to have one but aren't they real expensive?

  2. I'm not sure what they cost now. We got ours on sale a long time ago. We're only just now using it.

  3. Hey sounds good that you are in good shape. I can tell you that it would not say that about me. It would probably tell me I was about 80 and way way obese.

  4. I don't think they would say that about you, Zita...but me? Probably! Hey I am close to age 80 actual.
