Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It Makes No Sense

I'm still having trouble signing in to comment. When I try to answer a comment, blogger takes me to the sign in page. I sign in, and it takes me back to the comment section, but as annonymous. Fine, I said. I'll be annonymous. I hit post, and it takes me back to the sign in page, and the process starts all over. I just don't understand why it keeps me signed in, and allows me to write on my blog, but it won't keep me signed in to comment. I just don't understand it...


  1. That is very strange. So far I have always been able to post and comment. One time everything was really slow and you had to wait. I am having some of the clicking again but not as bad as before.

  2. Sorry you are having problems.

  3. My comment only work if I sign in each time and do not check the "Keep me signedin" box

  4. after I hit post, it takes me back to the sign in page.

  5. Well, what do you know. I followed your directions, and suddenly, I can post.
