Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, That Explains It...

Each year, I noticed my shasta daisies, as they mature, have a tendancy to lean forward. I mentioned it to Dave, and he suggested they might be reaching toward the sun. It actually made sense, because, my roof does cause the area to be shaded at certain time of the day. This year, however, they're REALLY leaning. I discovered the real reason as I was watering my pots. Mystery solved...


  1. I remember when Gretchen slept behind a rosebush in the backyard and did that. Even after Gretchen's passing and us repositioning it that rosebush leaned forward.

  2. I thought about maybe staking the taller ones, but I don't think it will do much good. They'd probably just lean the stakes forward. lol

  3. That would be the reason. But ain't it cute!!
    So innocent looking at you through the beautiful flowers. Nice spot for taking in the sun. A little shade, little sun.
