Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, July 4, 2011

Celebrating America

Each year, the Rotary Clubs of Paris, puts on an amazing fourth of July event, and each year, Dave gets to broadcast the event. We arrived at Noyse Stadium, on the Paris Junior Colledge Campus, around 5:30. I helped Dave get set up for his interviews, then I was free to walk around. It was unbelieveably hot, but we had plenty of water, and the shade of the radio station's tent. As time to begin the celebration drew near, lawn chair carrying people began to file in, and by 7 we had quite a crowd. At 7:45, the Paris Municipal Band began to play. By this time, Dave had finished broadcasting. We set up our lawn chairs to enjoy the concert, and the rest of the evening. As the band played, the planes carrying the Blue Skies Parachute Team flew over, climbing to a height of 6000 feet. During the last patriotic song, the parachuters jumped. It was amazing to watch them circling gracefully to land on field. I wish I could do it justice with my discription. As darkness fell, we sang our national anthem as our flag was raised. We enjoyed an amazing fireworks display, then watched our flag lowered to the tune of taps. An amazing night. I truely love my country.


  1. Glad you had a good time. Fireworks are so neat.
    I have really enjoyed you being over here visiting while Glenda was here.
    God bless you!

  2. They really were beautiful. Too bad my phone camera didn't truly capture them because of the delay.

    Zita, I also had a great time last week. Thanks for having me.

  3. we slept thru the fireworks. We usually watch them on our porch. It is not the same as being there. I am glad you enjoyed yourself. I am glad it was patriotic

  4. I went on ravelry last night and I viewed all of your projects there. It took me a few tries to figure out your name but I made it. You have a lot of really pretty things displayed. There were several that I had never seen before. Maybe you can show me how to post sometime. I don't know the details and if it is okay to post something if you don't have the pattern or know whose pattern it is.

  5. You mean, post on your project page, or the forums?

  6. BTW, what is your username on Ravelry? We can friend eachother.
