Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm Still Here

I just realized I've been absent for almost a week, so I thought it was about time I posted. The problem is I really don't know what to write about. I've not been in the best of moods lately, and I thought it best to spare my readers the details of my troubled thoughts.
I am happy to report that the second lap throw I made for the church was well recieved. To be perfectly honest, I like it much better than the first one. It has an old fashioned look to it that reminds me of my childhood, and I'd love to fill the church with blankets just like it. That's not likely to happen, because it was such a pain. I had seamed the squares together, only to find large, unattractive gaps in the corners. I continued on, hoping they'd all even out in the end, but it seemed to get worse instead of better, so I packed the blanket away. Later, as I was looking through the groups on Ravelry, I found one dedicated to granny squares and people who love them. I peaked in to find a whole thread about joining squares, and in the thread, I found a link, Which took me to a blog containing the solution to my problem. I could join my squares with a slip stitch.
So I got my blanket back out, pulled out all my seams, then rejoined my squares using this slip stitch method. Much better! Now I can join the long, proud list of crocheters who have completed a granny square afghan. Now, if I could just find a way to avoid weaving in thousands of threads....

Oh, before I leave, here is the link to that slip stitch tutorial. I hope it helps someone as much as it helped me.


  1. Bitsi, just think how lucky we are to have the internet with it's wonderous almost unlimited amount of information. Can you imagine what Mom would have accomplished? I think she would have loved to peruse patterns. I hope that you are doing this with her in mind. You certainly have her drive to find an answer to a problem. I remember her talking out some of these with me and I was NO help.

    What you are doing is wonderful, creative, and needed. And will be enjoyed for years to come.

  2. All of my crafts are unfinished in my junk room or only in my head. Oh for the time to put some of my dreams into action.

    You are blessed

  3. Glad you are back. I missed you posting. I have faithfully looked at all my sisters blogs 2-3 times a day. Alas we all seem a little sluggish about posting. Oh My.

    I do like the new afghan really well. But instead of pursuing how to put grannys together I have been looking on YouTube as to how to make a Jacobs Ladder with a string. LOL.

    I pray your mood is lighter and more at peace. Enjoyed prayer meeting. God bless.

  4. Glenda, it's too bad I didn't know enough about the internet when I was living at home. Mom was computer shy, but I could have printed out anything she could have wanted, if I'd only know what was available out there.

    Norma, time shouldn't be a problem with me. I seem to be battling with a lack of motivation. I used to enjoy looking thought my knitting and crochet books, but lately all it does is remind me of all the things I MEANT to make. :(

    Zita, it is good to be back. I just wish I had more to write about...
