Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lap Throw #2

Yesterday, I finished my second blanket for the church. I had set it to the side, because my seams were off, causing the squares to pucker. I got if back out, after reading a tutorial on how squares can be joined using slip stitch, so I took out my seams and tried this. It looked so much better. After my stitching was done, I just did a border round in each of my colors, and finished with gold, where I added a pecot between each dc group. I love it!


  1. very pretty, you are so talented

  2. Thanks. I'm pretty proud of it. I've made several blankets that are a big, continuous granny square, but this is the first one I've made with little squares joined together.

  3. It is very pretty. I have already decided to abandon my granny square venture. I knew that I always had trouble before and now is no different. Mine do not turn out the same size and I did not do well trying to join them.
    Yours looks really good in the pic. Can't wait to see it for real.

    God bless.

  4. My squares weren't all the exact same size, but the seeming seems to have made up for that.

  5. I tried sewing mine together but they still don't look that great. I have only made a little sample thing. i did not want to make a whole bunch unless it looks good. I even found a YouTube tutorial but then I didn't watch it. Maybe anothe time.

    God bless your day. Dave, too.

  6. It's beautiful. You are both so talented with the crochet. Just like mom

  7. I think I like this one a little better than the last if that is possible. Both are beautiful.

    I pray you have a good night.

  8. I saw the afghan tonight >>> I love it
