Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nobody's Watching Me

I was sitting here, thinking about webcams. Why? I have no idea. When Dave is at work, or napping, and I'm left to my own thoughts, things just pop into my mind. Sometimes I think up whole situations, and imagine myself in them...but I'm getting off topic...
Back to webcams. I know lots of people have them, but the more I thought about it, the creepier the idea of someone watching me seemed. Then I had to remind myself that nobody would be watching me. At least not for long. Here is a typical day in the life of me...
Being an insomniac, I don't get out of bed til around 11am, then I feed the cats. I turn on my phone, and Dave and I have a little texting conversation, while I look on the web for free knitting and crochet patterns. Dave comes home around noon. We eat lunch together, then kill time until 2, at which time we head for the Sonic for my daily happy hour diet coke. If we have any errands, we take care of them while we're out. After we get home, Dave likes to take a nap. I give the cats thier afternoon canned food treat, then sit and watch Everybody Love Raymond repeats, while I knit or crochet. I'm always surrounded by sleeping cats by this time. Around 6, Dave wakes up and turns on his computer to gather his news, while I continue to kill time until 7, when I go for my walk. After that, I shower, then either more computer searching, or more knitting (depending on my mood) until bedtime. Dave and I say our prayer, then do the crossword from the newspaper together. He goes to sleep, and I either knit or read until I fall asleep. Sometimes that isn't until he leaves at 4:30am.

So as you can see, a webcam is out for me. Watching my life would be more that just boring. It might actually be painful.


  1. Bitsi, I also find the concept of webcams creepy, but it would be fun to talk to you and see you .. like a live phone call.

    Don't sell your life short..if what you do brings you happiness and peace. My problem is my life is for the most part not so happy or fulfilling. I feel for the most part my life has been a wash. All I have accomplished is making my children and grandchildren unhappy. It is hard to live with. I do appreciate the Lord giving me a kind, loving husband. I just hope I don't end up ruining him.

  2. Jennifer. sounds like a life of ease and crafts. I wish for such. I do think I would rather sleep a little earlier, maybe midnight or one. Doing things with someone is a success. so many even married people do their own thing. I would feel a great accomplishment if my life were as simple and pleasant as yours. PEACE to your home

    FYI No cameras for me either. CREEPY!

  3. Just want to say hi. Sounds like a wonderful life. You and your husband in companionship and being able to do the things you enjoy. If you and Dave enjoy it then there is nothing boring about it. Just peacefulness.

  4. Bitsi, Anthony..(Perry's friend) says his wife keeps a piece of paper folded over the webcam eye on her computer. It is not just us! Lot's of people are creeped out by the webcam.

  5. Sounds like a woman I have much in common with. :)

  6. thanks for the visit and drinks. We love you both
