Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Soup's On

Dave made some of the best chicken and rice soup for lunch. He started with some stock he had made on sunday, and diced up some chicken. He, then, added plenty of carrots, celery, and onion, plus a whole cup of jasmine rice. If that isn't enough to make your mouth water, there was an added bonus. During a recent Kroger shopping trip, we found several packages of precut baby bella mushrooms, that were marked down for quick sale, and had picked one up. Dave sauteed those up, and added them to the soup. The flavor they added was pure delight.


  1. no cooking at my house for a while... i gave everything I cooked for supper away. I don't have the heart to cook for just me.

    Enjoy. Did you enjoy the potato soup, too?

  2. Norma, YOU have to eat too. Maybe you can invite someone to eat with you? If I were you I would pick something up for myself while you are does not have to be expensive. Find out where & which days the specials are. Perry and I did that for about a year. Applebee's 1/2 salads are cheap, filling and you can get take out..they bring it out to your car. Their number is in our cel phones. You need to plan your groceries with takeout as part of the expense...I wish I was there I think I could help you and I would certainly bring you some meals or eat with you if you were in a cooking mood. I am seldom in a cooking mood these days LOL. Norma, I am worried about you.

  3. Norma, the potato soup was awesome, and thank you so much for the potatoes. They're so big, Dave and I only had to bake one and half it.

    Norma, you can come eat with me anytime. Dave loves to cook, and he never mind one more. Sunday, he cooked up a bunch of stuff for us to eat during the week (that's when he made that broth). Maybe you can do that, or come get some of our stuff.

    Thank you, everyone for the compliments to the soup. I'll pass them on to Dave.

  4. Norma, Dave and I got the ingredients to make Italian pasta salad for you. Are you going to be home Saturday?

  5. Soup looks yummy. I am sure it was. Everything I have eaten that Dave cooked was good.
    God bless your home.
    I enjoyed prayer meeting.
