Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yard Work

I just could resist taking advantage of the nice weather we've had for the past few days. Yesterday, I raked the leaves off the front yard. I know...I should have already done this job, but raking leaves isn't my favorite outdoor task. Nothing irritates me more than raking up the Fall leaves, only to see just as many covering the ground the next day. Hopefully by now, the majority have fallen, and any late ones can be mown into mulch.
As you can see, it was a pretty big job. I got ten bags of leaves...and that's just the front yard. Today, I raked the side of the house, and cleaned out the planting area a little. I'm sure I'll have to clean it out again in the Spring, but I just couldn't not include it. I worked until I ran out of sunlight, so there are no pictures to share of the side yard, but here's a lovely one of the front. Please, ignore the hole in the ground. I have moles in my yard, and the cats try to dig them up. I've got a funny cat story from yesterday. Max, Monroe, and Socks were having the best time watching me rake leaves. I had several piles in various parts of the yard, and they were peeking at eachother over the top of them, then chasing eachother around the yard. This went on for quite some time, then things calmed down a bit. I was picking up one of the piles of leaves, when I heard a russling noise. I looked over to see Socks staring at a moving leaf pile toward the walkway. I went to see what was up, and was treated to the funniest sight I've ever seen. Max had burrowed up through the bottom of the leaf pile. His face was peeking though the top, and because he's so big, his booty and tail were still sticking out the back. Naturally, I had no camera with me. This always seems to happen when I need a photo to accompany my story, but trust me, it was hilarious.


  1. We need our leaves raked, too...poor Perry it is supposed to be raining on his days off...hehehe..guess we will have to do something else.
