Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blogger Blues

To my sisters, and readers who have left me comments to my posts, I promise I'm not ignoring you. Blogger will not let me see them. When I click on the "comments" link, it takes me to the post page, but it will not let me scroll down to read the comments. Fortunately, I have my phone, and it will let me see the comments. Unfortunately, the fact that I have a prepaid service, means my internet is a slower than most smart phones, making answering kind of difficult. I do read, and appreciate every comment, and I want to answer them. I'm getting pretty tired of Blogger and it's little bugs. Seems like they finally fix a problem, only to have another one crop up. So I hope you'll continue to read and give me feedback. I really love being able to interact with my sisters and others who read my ramblings. It really is like a little visit..well, that is, it used to be when I could comment back...

1 comment:

  1. we cannot comment on yours usually..or at least most of the time I cannot
