Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Beginnings

So the New Year has begun, and I'm feeling hopeful. Dave and I have made plans to do some more painting and work in our house. We're not going to dive in full forse, and work ourselved to pieces, but we do plan to have the rest of the house repainted within the year. I'm going to start the hall as soon as we can get the paint. There will be no furniture to move, and very little pictures to take down, so this will be easy. We'll use the same purple color we used for the extra bedroom-turned-craftroom. The utility room will also be this color when we get to it. Our bedroom will be the new dark green color we recently used for the TV room. This job will have to wait until Dave takes his next vacation. Any time furniture has to be moved, I need Dave to be available. I'm so excited just thinking about it. That's actually a good thing. It's been a long time since I've been excited about working in my house. I'm hoping this year will help restore the good habits I had when I first married, and began keeping my home. That would make me so happy.

For today, I'm happy to report that I've finished up the after painting clean-up, ran the vacuum, and watered the plants. Now, it's time to watch the Cowboys game, and cast on my first project of 2012.

Happy New Year to all of my friends and family, and a special thank you to my readers. I appreciate you sticking with me through a tough year. Here's hoping this year will be a good one. :)


  1. happy planning and may it all come together as you plan.

    I enjoyed the singing last night. It was so GOOD to be in church

  2. I was so happy to see you @ church. My offer to help you paint still stands. Our hall won't take me long at all, and we'll probably wait til Spring for the utility room, so the plants will be outside and out of the way.
