Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Nice Compromise

I know all the fashion experts advise us to wear clothes that fit. They tell us it actually makes us look thinner than swimming around in oversized clothes. I'll never give up my baggies for every day comfort, but I've been trying to wear more flattering things for church and for dress-up times. It's very hard on me. A lifetime of self-doubt, and poor body image doesn't go away over night, so I decided to pair my new sweater with a jacket. Dave took these pictures of me just before church. As much as this pains me, I guess I'll have to grudgingly admit the fashion experts are right. I do look thinner in the non-jacket picture, but for now, I'm going with comfort. Maybe someday...


  1. Love them both... if you feel like you look good it usually makes you feel better, so do what feels best, but it looks good on you either way...btw..hope this posts ok

    1. Got the post thanks to my phone. If I didn't have my phone, I couldn't read your comments. Unbelievable. I don't even know how to report the issue.

  2. i know it is a royal pain and has really slowed down our bloggin

  3. Oh, wow! It let me scroll down to see the comments! Maybe they fixed the problem (crosses fingers).

  4. I am commenting again, too. I may get to be at church tomorrow night..I pray so
