Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Side Yard Photos

Well, I didn't get the back yard leaves raked this weekend, but I still wanted to share my side yard pictures. I'm pretty proud of how it looks in the light of day. It's too bad I didn't do the back yard, because according to the weather reports, I won't have another chance for several days. Oh, well. At least I got the areas that are visible from the street.


  1. Looks so did good. Perry raked a while last night while he was grilling and he got the heap of leaves cleaned out of the gutters just before our rain hit..good job Perry.

  2. Good job to both Perry and Jennifer.........I got a quilt hooray my, too

  3. That's great! It looks like it's going to be rainy for a while, so my yard work has come to a halt. Oh well. I guess I can do some knitting if I could get myself interested in it again. I may have burned myself out over the holiday season...
