Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is Your Refrigerator Running?

This is the question that awaited me when I answered my cell phone just now. Yes, folks, I answered a call from a number, unknown to me. I normally don't but it was a local area code, and there are several emergency situations in my family. I'd have felt terrible if I'd ignored it only to find out later that my help was needed, but I couldn't be reached. So I answered it, only to be asked if my refrigerator is running. Really? I assume the caller was preteen judging by the sound of the voice, but...Really? You honestly believe there's a person alive who hasn't heard that joke?

So there you have it. A minute or two of my valuable prepaid minutes...wasted...


  1. It kind of warms my heart though that this kind of harmless fun brings pleasure to the young. I guess they are still silly like they were in my day. Mom would have probably spanked us for doing this. Admit it..didn't you smile..a little?

  2. I wish I could tell you that it made me smile, but then, I guess I never did have as much patience with kids as ya'll did. But you're right that as far as pranks go, this one is quite harmless.
