Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, September 30, 2011

Craft Exhibit Pictures

The photos I took tonight turned out much better. The ladies working the table gave me some nice compliments on my entries. We were talking about the voting for best in show, and how confusing most people were finding it this year. Last year, all the items were grouped into catagories, but she told me they wanted everything displayed together this year. I felt so bad for my earlier attitude, because apparantly they didn't like the display anymore that I did. I wasn't going to vote, since I had participated, but they wanted me to. I promise I didn't vote for myself in the knitting and crochet catagory. If I had, I'd have voted for my red lacy wrap, picured last. I can hardly wait til next year. I'm not going to let the time sneak up on me, the way I did this year. I hope to have at least one afghan by then.