Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Planting Plans

Dave's three day weekend provided time for us to do some much needed yard work. The hot dry summer had taken a toll on our pecan tree, resulting in a yard full of crispy brown leaves. Being in a bit of a slump lately, I couldn't muster up the energy it took to rake them. enough of a pain to have to rake leaves in the Fall, I found it unfair to have to do it in the summer time as well (Ok, end of immature whine). Dave and I really work well together when we set our minds to a task. I moved the potted plants and raked the leaves out from behind them, and into the middle of the yard, where Dave ran the mower over them. He edged and blew off the walkway, while I went for my afternoon walk, then I watered when I got home. During this yard work process, we discovered that many of our pots have become brittle with time and exposure to the elements, especially the ones containing our roses. Of course our first thought is to replace them next Spring, but after mentally calculating the expense of not only the pots, but the many bags of soil I'd have to buy, I've come up with another plan. I'm going to dig out that area, and plant them into the ground. Dave is planning to take one of his vacations in October, so we can do this together. I'm pretty excited. After such a long, hot summer, it's going to be so nice to get out and dig in the dirt again.


  1. so glad you are getting some things ready. I spent the day in the bedroom with my honey and the nurse nursing a fever. I want everyong to know how much I enjoyed having prayer meeting at my home. It felt really good! I will be glad when we can go to church again.

    the apricot pies were wonderful. I still have one for tomorrow. I didn't heat them so I didn't drizzle them. I may eat the one tomorrow smothered in ice cream..if I do I will nuke it.

    Zita brought me back hamburgers with the meds. Did they do half price Tuesday when you went by? Love ya

  2. I hope Wesley feels better soon. I'm believing that with his treatments behind him, the hardest part's over. of course, never having been through it, I don't really know.

    I enjoyed prayer meeting so much, and I'm glad you liked the pies. Ice-cream sound wonderful with your last one. Yes, they still do half priced burgers on Tuesdays. I'm so glad.

  3. Good to hear your plans for the yard. Brings back memories. Maybe this year I will get motivated.

  4. Great going. Wish I had the energy to get past my immature whine. I kinda get stuck there.

    God bless your home with peace mankind and animal alike!
